Me: Weston, would you like to learn to play an instrument some day?
Weston: Well, I already know how to play the drums... And the tuba.
Me: the tuba, huh?
Weston: yea, all you do is blow in it!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Me: Dallin! Don't put your feet on Levi!!
Dallin: I was just going to step on him softly.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Mike and Weston are playing mad libs.
Mike: I need an adjective. That's a word that describes someone or something. Think of something that describes Dallin.
Weston: how about "needs a new brain".
Weston, discussing the super powers his stuffed animals posess, informed us that Droopy Neck (the stuffed giraffe) can "shoot bullets out of his horns.