Tuesday, May 8, 2018

 Weston is a lover of words. Whenever he hears a new word he comes to me for the definition. Recently he asked me what “specific“ and “terrorize” mean. Then today he asked me what a “demustardifyer” is. I said “I don’t think that is a word”. He said “Yes it is. It’s something that cleans up mustard”.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Dallin is home sick from school. I overhear him asking Levi for help walking. I go to see what happening and Levi is doing his best to hold up Dallin and walk him to the pantry for a snack. When Dallin saw me watching him he stopped being dramatic and started walking himself. But Levi still never let him go. He kept his hands around his middle and walked Dallin with his snack to the table.
I wish I had my phone on me so I could take a picture.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Funny words Levi mispronounces:
Lather- instead of rather
Jrump- instead of jump
Ta-posed- supposed

Me: Dallin! I mean Levi...
Levi: Whoever I am...