Monday, December 19, 2011

Mom: Weston, do you want gold, Frankincense and Myrrh for Christmas?
Weston: Um, how about just gold?

Did not see that coming. :o)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I don't know where, but Dallin has learned the letter "B".  Whenever he spots one he calls out "WEDDER B! WEDDER B! On signs in the grocery store, in books, etc. That's the only letter he knows.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

While wrestling with daddy Weston calls out, "RELEASE THE CHILD!!!"
Weston's Kindergarten teacher says that Weston has an advanced vocabulary.  This was apparent when he told me that my Christmas Tree was "spectacular".

Friday, December 9, 2011

Weston: Mama, whenever I hear the ice cream truck I just remember "Oh yeah, I want some ice cream".

Weston vs. Words

Weston at the dinner table: Mama, what is Cholesterol? 

Weston in the car: Mama, what does "suffering" mean?

Weston: Mama, what does "lurch" mean?
Mom: uuuh, could you use it in a sentence?
Weston: Her stomach lurched.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Driving Mr. Weston

I came up behind a very slow driver on a 2 lane road the other day.
Weston: Why are we going so slow?
Me: Because the car in front of us is going slow.
Weston: Well, you should just honk your horn at him!
Dad: No, Weston.
Me: Honestly daddy, I don't know where he gets it from. (silently chuckling)
Weston: Well, how about if you just drive around him?
Dad: No, Weston.
Me: (Not so silently chuckling) I REALLY don't know where he gets it from....

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I decided to change it up a bit and wear a casual skirt one day.  Before we left the house to run errands Weston says to me, "Mama, I think the people at the library will think you are pretty."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Me: Weston, Whose birthday do we celebrate at Christmas?
Weston: Santa?
Me: No.
Weston: Aunt Lauri?
Me: No.
Weston: Dr. Suess?
Me: Oh dear....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to use the printer via Dallin

Step 1: Open printer.
Step 2: Remove bracelet, sandwich tie, and DVD.
Step 3: Print.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weston vs. dinner guest

We had friends over for dinner last night.  As we ate our brownies ala mode for dessert, Weston asked Maribeth (the mom) if he could eat the chocolate chips out of her ice cream.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weston vs. Library books

Weston's kindergarten class went to the library last week and he came home with a book called "Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport".  It was a really cute book about a boy moving from New York to "the West".  Yesterday was library day again and he brought home a different book. Then last night we find him sobbing at the top of the stairs because he doesn't like his new library book and wants his "gila monster" book back.

Dallin vs. shapes

Conversation I never knew I'd have with my 2 year old:
Dallin: (pointing at the pattern on the TJMaxx shopping cart) Octagon?
Me: (counting sides) actually honey that's a hexagon.
Dallin: hex...agon?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weston to the rescue

Conversation about the impending hurricane.
Mom: We should have a hurricane party. We can get our flashlight and lanterns and eat all the ice cream.
Weston: Right, because if the power goes out all the ice cream will melt.  Grandpa John said, "if a hurricane comes to Florida we would have to rescue the ice cream". Just like Diego rescues the animals we will rescue the ice cream.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weston vs. class clown

We were talking to Weston about what Kindergarten is going to be like.
Me: At the beginning of class your teacher will call role.  When she says "Weston", you raise your and and say "here".
Dad: or you could raise your hand and say "present".
Weston: or I could raise my hand and say "Christmas".  hahahahahaha

He's all ready to be the class clown.

Friday, August 19, 2011

D vs. imagination

We said the dinner prayer and began to eat. Only problem, we had put the boys' dinner in the refrigerator so it would cool off.  Mike joked with the boys who had no food in front of them to "eat your dinner".  Weston fussed that he had no dinner.  We looked over at Dallin who, with a big smile, scooped up a handful of nothing on his tray and stuffed it into his mouth.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Dallin sobbing in the back seat:
Dallin sees a bus:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The language of Weston

Occasionally, when you ask Weston a question he responds, "Let my see" (As opposed to "let me see").
I love it so much, I can't bring myself to correct him.  :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Weston's first joke (too sweet not to post)

Weston: What did the baby cheese say to the daddy cheese?
Me: What?
Weston: "I love you daddy."

Monday, July 25, 2011

W vs. the truth

Me: Weston who got into my purse and took these cough drops?
W: Humm... I think it was Dallin.
Me: No, Dallin was in his crib.
W: Hummm.... I think it was Daddy.
Me: No, Daddy was in bed.  Who took these cough drops??
W: I think it was this bouncy ball. It was bouncing all over the room and it came and bounced into your purse and opened the cough drops.

I look to Mike for support but he is quietly in hysterics behind Weston's back.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

D vs. strong language

Dallin's new favorite word is "shirt".  However, he doesn't pronounce the 'r'.

It makes doing laundry a little more fun, it makes getting him dressed interesting, but it does make me a little uneasy while walking through a department store with him pointing and saying "shi_t, shi_t, shi_t".

Monday, July 11, 2011

D vs. new words

Dallin has been talking a lot lately.  He knows more words than I can count.  But of them all, my favorite words are "um" and "oh".
If you ask Dallin a question he responds with "ummmmmmmmm", and if you explain something to him he will answer you with "oh".

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Previously, this blog has been full of anecdotes mostly of what funny new thing Weston has said.  Now that Dallin is learning to talk, it should be more even between the to of them.
For example, today Dallin was left at the table eating breakfast while I took a shower.  As I was walking down the stairs to join him I heard him say, "mess?".  Sure enough, he had dumped the box of cereal all over the table and was driving toy cars through it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

W vs. chocolate ice cream

We took Weston to Cold Stone for the first time tonight. 

Me: You can pick any kind of ice cream you want.
Me: They have 2 different kinds of chocolate, (regular and ghirardelli) which one do you want?
Weston: This one (pointing to the darker ghirardelli chocolate. 

That's my boy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

W vs. Brownies

We had brownies for dessert the other night.  Weston asked for another and I told him no.  I should have known that when he happily went away and played quietly that something was up. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

W vs. echo

Me: (finishing a glass of OJ) aaahh.
W: (from the other room) aaahh.
Me: I'm gonna get Weston and tickle him.
W: I'm gonna get Weston and tickle him.
Me: Are you copying me?
W: Are you copying me?
Me: I'm gonna get you!
W: No you're not, I'm too fast!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

W vs. new toy camera


Weston: (holding up his new camera) Dallin, say "cheeeeese".
Weston: (takes picture, examines it) That was a GOOD one!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

W vs. a big new house

W: Mama, I want our next house to be BIG!
Mama: Who's going to clean it?
W: Ummm... Daddy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

W&D vs. Portraits

I took the boys to get their 2 and 5 year old pictures today.  The photographer tried to make them smile by spitting her tongue out at them.  She didn't realize that spitting is one of their favorite activities.  So she got a nice picture of my 2 sweet boys spitting at the camera.
No, I didn't purchase it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

W vs. deep thoughts

While driving, W is looking out the window and wonders-

W: How do the clouds stay up?
Me: uuuuuhh.....
W: Why don't they fall down?
Me: uuuuuuhhh....
W: Maybe they are glued to the sky.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

W vs. bad guys

Mama, Nice guys need to run over bad guys.  Because they are bad.  We need to skin their knees, and hurt their cheeks, and hurt their legs....

Friday, June 3, 2011

W and the translation

W: Mama, whenever I go poo poo...
Translation: When I sit on the potty for a long time...

W: feet get really heavy!
Translation: feet fall asleep.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

W vs. a failure to communicate

W was with me while I was talking to a pregnant friend at church.  She told me that the baby likes to sleep all day and stay awake all night.  I laughed and said "she's nocturnal".

Then W relayed the story to Dad in the car on the way home.  He said that the baby likes to sleep all day and stay awake all night, "like a turtle".

Get it? I said "nocturnal", W heard "a turtle".

Saturday, May 28, 2011

W vs. play dough

Overheard from W while playing with his play dough:

W: *mean voice* I'm not a nice guy, that's why I made a mess!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

W vs. Daddy

Daddy is working in the basement, but I hear shrieks of giggles coming from W being tickled.  Finally I hear an exhausted W say, "It's time for you to get back to work, daddy".

Monday, May 16, 2011

W vs. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!

This is going to be hard to explain:

W was sitting at the table rambling on and on.  The last thing he says is, "Mama makes yummy dinners" and then a fly flew by right in front of his face.  His reaction to the fly was a drawn out, high pitched, "WHAAAAAAT!"
So, put that all together, and this is what I hear from the kitchen:
"Mama makes yummy dinners! WHAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!"

Mom vs. things where they don't belong

found a potato under the couch...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

W vs. singing in church

While the other kids sang to their mothers in church on Mother's Day, mine made faces at me. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mom vs. Bed time

My nightly routine:

Brush teeth
Take out contacts
Check to make sure D is still wearing his PJs
Go to bed.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

D vs. Baby teeth

Setting: At the playground.  D is playing on a scary part way above his skill level. 

Me: I don't like him playing on that.
Mike: It's okay, they're only his baby teeth. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

W vs. phone calls

W is dialing numbers on the telephone

Grandma: Who are you calling?
W: Australia.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

D vs. NO!

D must know he will be turning 2 soon. I heard him in his bedroom practicing to say, "nnnnNO!  nnnnNO!"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

D comes running across the room, trips, falls, and starts pulling himself along the ground with his hands.

Monday, April 25, 2011

W vs. babysitting

We are all getting ready to go out for the evening and I jokingly said something about leaving Weston home alone.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mom vs. Bed time

Mom's bedtime routine:  Brush teeth, take out contacts, check to make sure Dallin is still wearing his pajamas....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

D vs. prayer

We took a family walk down to the lake.  Randomly, D gets on his knees and folds his arms.  We think its funny and adorable, but W thinks it's hysterical. He is laughing so hard he can barely breathe.  Mike says to W, "Help D pray".
So W begins to pray for D:
(barely able to speak from all the laughing)
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this GREAT day at the lake! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

W vs. bathroom habits

While running to the bathroom:
W: I gotta go poo poo and pee pee.
Me: W, you don't have to tell me that. Just go!
W: Yes, I do. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

W vs. Language part 2

Me: W, try this jelly bean. It tastes like lemonade.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mom vs. Jackets

At the beginning of jacket wearing season, W would have a fit trying to do his own zipper.  I would always try to do it for him if we were in a hurry but he hated that. Finally he learned to do it himself. Then D comes along and, having seen his brother throw fits about doing it by himself, also wants to do it by himself.  This is impossible for a one year-old!  Then, W decided he can no longer zip his own jacket and wants me to do it for him.
So now I have a 4 year old who can zip his jacket and won't, and a 1 year old who can't zip his jacket and gets mad when I try to do it. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

W vs. funny words

W's new favorite word: Whatsinwhosin?  It's interchangeable with "What the..?" and "Thingy".

Thursday, March 24, 2011

D vs. sign language

Tonight at dinner I handed D a burrito.  He promptly handed it back to me and did the sign for "hot".

W vs the scale

W stepped on the scale this morning:  "Mama, how much do I cost?"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

W vs. scary movies

Mom: W, do you want to watch the "Leap Frog: Numbers Ahoy!" movie?

W: No, that's just a scary pirate movie. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

W vs. money

W: Mama, will you go to the bank and buy me some money because I don't have any for my wallet.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

W vs. Lanugage

While playing, W yelled, "DANGIT"!

Mike and I just smiled at each other. Considering my outburst while driving last week, we are lucky that's all he said...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

D vs. breakfast

D just dumped his bowl of dry cereal onto the floor.  Then he went and pointed at the vacuum.
Thanks, D. I'll get right on that.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

D vs. breakfast

Me: D, don't put your breakfast bar on the floor where someone can step on it. Come over he and put it on the table. 

D comes running back to where he dropped his food and stomps on it. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mom vs. the toy box

I think I should rename this blog to "the adventures of things I find in the toy box".

Today's post would be: My curling iron.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

W vs. the poo poo

Overheard from the bathroom:

W: I just did one poo poo so I only need one toilet paper.

Mom: Agh! No, W! That's not how it works!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

W vs. late for the party

We are late for a birthday party and W is driving me crazy. I tell him to put on his shoes and in stead he takes off his jacket. I say 'no, put your jacket back on' and he goes for his shoes.  After a while of this I say, 'forget it! Just stay home with daddy' and I walk out the door with D.  I hear daddy inside finish helping him with his jacket and tell him to go get in the van.  As I am strapping him in I look down and say, 'W! Where is your other shoe!?!?!'
W: Daddy said go get in the van.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mom vs. Motherhood

I just stepped over a waffle on the kitchen floor.  I didn't think twice about it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

W vs. late night cravings

Driving home tonight we passed a Dairy Queen.

W: OH! I forgot to have ice cream today!!

D vs. Gravity

D,  You can either be curious or clumsy. Not both.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

W vs. book titles

W: Where's the book about 'mac n cheese'?
Me: What????
W: The book about 'mac n cheese'!
Me: What book about 'Macaroni and Cheese'?????
W: No, 'Mac n cheese'!
Me: *thinking really hard* Do you mean "Green Eggs and Ham"????
Weston: YES!

Friday, February 18, 2011

W vs. the language of D

Driving in the car:
D is babbling on and on in his car seat.
W turns to him and says, "D! What are you talking about???"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

W vs. more why questions

W: Mama, why is this the way to the doctor's office?
Me: That's right, W. This is the way to the doctor's office.
W: No, mama, WHY is this the way to the doctor's office?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

W vs. subway

Probably 6 months ago we went to a Subway near our house.  Ever since then, when we pass that Subway, W calls out "There's the Subway that we went"!  And we MUST respond with "Yes, W, That's the Subway that we went" or he will start yelling "THERE'S THE SUBWAY THAT WE WENT!!!" until he is validated.

Monday, February 7, 2011

D vs. the bathroom

2 things....

D LOVES to follow us into the bathroom.  It's near impossible to sneak in without him noticing.  I was successful in getting in without him the other day, but not without him noticing. He begins his dejected cry outside the door and then I hear W say, "It's okay D, I'll open the door for you".  *sigh*

Today I didn't make it in without him. At one point I motion for him to go out the door and said, "SHOO!" He immediately drops to his feet and points at his shoe. Then he points to my bare foot, runs out of the bathroom and brings me back my shoe.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

D vs. His own sign language

D was sitting on my bed recently and something on my dresser caught his eye.  He points to the dresser and make his sound that means "I want that".  I couldn't decipher exactly what it was that he wanted so I started guessing, picking up items and saying "this?".  no no no  So finally Dallin decided to make up his own sign language.  He opens on hand flat and using the pointer finger of his other hand points to the center of his open hand.  Which could only mean he wanted lotion, of course!  I squirted some lotion into the palm of his hand and he was happy!

W vs. Sour Cream

I was getting everything ready for dinner and starting to put things out on the table, starting with the sour cream. I walk back into the kitchen and all the sudden we hear coughing and choking sounds from the dining room.  We run back over to find W gagging and holding the spoon that was dipped into the sour cream.  

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

W vs. conversations with internal organs

W is sipping his hot chocolate and Mike hears him whisper something to himself.  

Mike: What did you say, W?
W: I was just telling my tummy that it is called hot chocolate.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mom vs. What??

W: Why does orange juice burn eggs?
Mom: WHAT??
W: Why does orange juice burn eggs?
Mom: W, I have no idea what you are talking about.  Orange juice does not burn eggs!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

D vs. saving his cookie

I gave D a piece of a cookie.  When W spotted it he dropped to his knees and crawled after D saying "omm omm" and trying to bite his cookie.  
D ran off shrieking with glee. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

W vs. parenting

And then sometimes I DO like having my parenting mirrored back to me.  Recently, W has been complementing me on the strangest things.

We were making cookies and as I dropped spoonfuls of cookie dough on the cookie sheet W says "Good job, mama!"

As I was cooking dinner the other night W came running through the kitchen and paused to say, "Good job turning on those lights, mama".  (I assume he was talking about the lights under the microwave.)

and when he saw his dinner plate:
"Thank you for giving me a roll, mama. "

Dad vs. Comprehension

W threw a tantrum in church on Sunday when he dropped his packet of fruit snacks. Mike quickly picked them up and put them back in the bag and W calmed down.  
Mike's response to W: (hushed for church) Next time don't jump to conclusions!
Me to Mike: (hushed for church) Good job keeping it on a 3 year-old level. 

D vs. dinner

D got out of his high chair, summoned me out of my dinner chair and marched into the kitchen to point up at the toaster.  Which means, of course, he wants a waffle.  I said, "No, go eat your dinner".  

There was much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

D vs. peas

D has a pile of peas on his tray that he is not eating.  Dad scoops up a bite on his fork and puts it up to D's mouth.  D smacks the fork and the peas go flying.  Dad scoops up another bite of peas and puts it up to D's mouth.  D smacks the fork and the peas go flying.  

Someone is not learning his lesson here and it's not D. 

mom vs. a complement

I got the nicest complement from my husband. Someone saw his desktop family picture and said "your wife is pretty". Mike said, "Thanks! She's funny, too!" 

Monday, January 10, 2011

W vs. questions


W to Daddy:  Daddy, why does the dinner on tomorrow???

Me: (chuckle) Yeah Daddy, WHY???

Dad: Because.... when you put a bean in water it will start to sprout.  Then you can plant it and grow a bean stalk. 

D vs. ketchup

D is dipping his hand in his ketchup and rubbing it on his hands like it is lotion. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

W vs. preschool

W's preschool teacher:  I finally figured out how to get W to stop eating crayons. I only give him markers. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

W vs. the snack

Me: What is this white stuff all over the table???
Weston: (not looking up from his maze book) It's parmesan cheese. 
Me: So.... while mommy and daddy where taking a nap, you had parmesan cheese for a snack?
Weston: (still not looking up from his book) Yes. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011