Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mom vs. Jackets

At the beginning of jacket wearing season, W would have a fit trying to do his own zipper.  I would always try to do it for him if we were in a hurry but he hated that. Finally he learned to do it himself. Then D comes along and, having seen his brother throw fits about doing it by himself, also wants to do it by himself.  This is impossible for a one year-old!  Then, W decided he can no longer zip his own jacket and wants me to do it for him.
So now I have a 4 year old who can zip his jacket and won't, and a 1 year old who can't zip his jacket and gets mad when I try to do it. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

W vs. funny words

W's new favorite word: Whatsinwhosin?  It's interchangeable with "What the..?" and "Thingy".

Thursday, March 24, 2011

D vs. sign language

Tonight at dinner I handed D a burrito.  He promptly handed it back to me and did the sign for "hot".

W vs the scale

W stepped on the scale this morning:  "Mama, how much do I cost?"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

W vs. scary movies

Mom: W, do you want to watch the "Leap Frog: Numbers Ahoy!" movie?

W: No, that's just a scary pirate movie. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

W vs. money

W: Mama, will you go to the bank and buy me some money because I don't have any for my wallet.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

W vs. Lanugage

While playing, W yelled, "DANGIT"!

Mike and I just smiled at each other. Considering my outburst while driving last week, we are lucky that's all he said...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

D vs. breakfast

D just dumped his bowl of dry cereal onto the floor.  Then he went and pointed at the vacuum.
Thanks, D. I'll get right on that.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

D vs. breakfast

Me: D, don't put your breakfast bar on the floor where someone can step on it. Come over he and put it on the table. 

D comes running back to where he dropped his food and stomps on it. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mom vs. the toy box

I think I should rename this blog to "the adventures of things I find in the toy box".

Today's post would be: My curling iron.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

W vs. the poo poo

Overheard from the bathroom:

W: I just did one poo poo so I only need one toilet paper.

Mom: Agh! No, W! That's not how it works!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

W vs. late for the party

We are late for a birthday party and W is driving me crazy. I tell him to put on his shoes and in stead he takes off his jacket. I say 'no, put your jacket back on' and he goes for his shoes.  After a while of this I say, 'forget it! Just stay home with daddy' and I walk out the door with D.  I hear daddy inside finish helping him with his jacket and tell him to go get in the van.  As I am strapping him in I look down and say, 'W! Where is your other shoe!?!?!'
W: Daddy said go get in the van.