Tuesday, June 28, 2011

W&D vs. Portraits

I took the boys to get their 2 and 5 year old pictures today.  The photographer tried to make them smile by spitting her tongue out at them.  She didn't realize that spitting is one of their favorite activities.  So she got a nice picture of my 2 sweet boys spitting at the camera.
No, I didn't purchase it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

W vs. deep thoughts

While driving, W is looking out the window and wonders-

W: How do the clouds stay up?
Me: uuuuuhh.....
W: Why don't they fall down?
Me: uuuuuuhhh....
W: Maybe they are glued to the sky.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

W vs. bad guys

Mama, Nice guys need to run over bad guys.  Because they are bad.  We need to skin their knees, and hurt their cheeks, and hurt their legs....

Friday, June 3, 2011

W and the translation

W: Mama, whenever I go poo poo...
Translation: When I sit on the potty for a long time...

W: ...my feet get really heavy!
Translation: ...my feet fall asleep.