Monday, September 26, 2011

Weston vs. dinner guest

We had friends over for dinner last night.  As we ate our brownies ala mode for dessert, Weston asked Maribeth (the mom) if he could eat the chocolate chips out of her ice cream.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weston vs. Library books

Weston's kindergarten class went to the library last week and he came home with a book called "Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport".  It was a really cute book about a boy moving from New York to "the West".  Yesterday was library day again and he brought home a different book. Then last night we find him sobbing at the top of the stairs because he doesn't like his new library book and wants his "gila monster" book back.

Dallin vs. shapes

Conversation I never knew I'd have with my 2 year old:
Dallin: (pointing at the pattern on the TJMaxx shopping cart) Octagon?
Me: (counting sides) actually honey that's a hexagon.
Dallin: hex...agon?