Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mom vs. Motherhood

I just stepped over a waffle on the kitchen floor.  I didn't think twice about it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

W vs. book titles

W: Where's the book about 'mac n cheese'?
Me: What????
W: The book about 'mac n cheese'!
Me: What book about 'Macaroni and Cheese'?????
W: No, 'Mac n cheese'!
Me: *thinking really hard* Do you mean "Green Eggs and Ham"????
Weston: YES!

Friday, February 18, 2011

W vs. the language of D

Driving in the car:
D is babbling on and on in his car seat.
W turns to him and says, "D! What are you talking about???"

Monday, February 14, 2011

W vs. more why questions

W: Mama, why is this the way to the doctor's office?
Me: That's right, W. This is the way to the doctor's office.
W: No, mama, WHY is this the way to the doctor's office?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

W vs. subway

Probably 6 months ago we went to a Subway near our house.  Ever since then, when we pass that Subway, W calls out "There's the Subway that we went"!  And we MUST respond with "Yes, W, That's the Subway that we went" or he will start yelling "THERE'S THE SUBWAY THAT WE WENT!!!" until he is validated.

Monday, February 7, 2011

D vs. the bathroom

2 things....

D LOVES to follow us into the bathroom.  It's near impossible to sneak in without him noticing.  I was successful in getting in without him the other day, but not without him noticing. He begins his dejected cry outside the door and then I hear W say, "It's okay D, I'll open the door for you".  *sigh*

Today I didn't make it in without him. At one point I motion for him to go out the door and said, "SHOO!" He immediately drops to his feet and points at his shoe. Then he points to my bare foot, runs out of the bathroom and brings me back my shoe.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

D vs. His own sign language

D was sitting on my bed recently and something on my dresser caught his eye.  He points to the dresser and make his sound that means "I want that".  I couldn't decipher exactly what it was that he wanted so I started guessing, picking up items and saying "this?".  no no no  So finally Dallin decided to make up his own sign language.  He opens on hand flat and using the pointer finger of his other hand points to the center of his open hand.  Which could only mean he wanted lotion, of course!  I squirted some lotion into the palm of his hand and he was happy!

W vs. Sour Cream

I was getting everything ready for dinner and starting to put things out on the table, starting with the sour cream. I walk back into the kitchen and all the sudden we hear coughing and choking sounds from the dining room.  We run back over to find W gagging and holding the spoon that was dipped into the sour cream.