Tuesday, February 1, 2011

D vs. His own sign language

D was sitting on my bed recently and something on my dresser caught his eye.  He points to the dresser and make his sound that means "I want that".  I couldn't decipher exactly what it was that he wanted so I started guessing, picking up items and saying "this?".  no no no  So finally Dallin decided to make up his own sign language.  He opens on hand flat and using the pointer finger of his other hand points to the center of his open hand.  Which could only mean he wanted lotion, of course!  I squirted some lotion into the palm of his hand and he was happy!

1 comment:

  1. Robin, I just discovered your second blog! Oh my goodness...I can't wait to show Joe when he gets home. Reading your posts made me miss you guys, and it also made me laugh!
