Monday, December 19, 2011

Mom: Weston, do you want gold, Frankincense and Myrrh for Christmas?
Weston: Um, how about just gold?

Did not see that coming. :o)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I don't know where, but Dallin has learned the letter "B".  Whenever he spots one he calls out "WEDDER B! WEDDER B! On signs in the grocery store, in books, etc. That's the only letter he knows.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

While wrestling with daddy Weston calls out, "RELEASE THE CHILD!!!"
Weston's Kindergarten teacher says that Weston has an advanced vocabulary.  This was apparent when he told me that my Christmas Tree was "spectacular".

Friday, December 9, 2011

Weston: Mama, whenever I hear the ice cream truck I just remember "Oh yeah, I want some ice cream".

Weston vs. Words

Weston at the dinner table: Mama, what is Cholesterol? 

Weston in the car: Mama, what does "suffering" mean?

Weston: Mama, what does "lurch" mean?
Mom: uuuh, could you use it in a sentence?
Weston: Her stomach lurched.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Driving Mr. Weston

I came up behind a very slow driver on a 2 lane road the other day.
Weston: Why are we going so slow?
Me: Because the car in front of us is going slow.
Weston: Well, you should just honk your horn at him!
Dad: No, Weston.
Me: Honestly daddy, I don't know where he gets it from. (silently chuckling)
Weston: Well, how about if you just drive around him?
Dad: No, Weston.
Me: (Not so silently chuckling) I REALLY don't know where he gets it from....