Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Listening to kidz bop-
Weston: these Chipmonks sure are good singers... Usually Chipmonks don't sing. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Mom, what does "for pete's sake" mean?
Me: I means I've asked you to put your shoes on 4 times and here you are sitting on the floor playing with trains!
When we play rock-paper-scissors, I put my hands on Weston's head and pretend to read his mind so I know how to beat him. Then Dallin wanted me to read his mind so I put my fingers on his head and said "You want to eat cookies!" Then Levi came running over and put my hands on his head and said "cookies!".  I said, "Levi thinks Elsa is pretty" and Levi responded, "LET IT GO! LET IT GO!"

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dallin keeps asking questions from mid-conversation in his mind. Out of nowhere he says "what's that guys' name again?" Or "who's the guy next to that?" 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dallin: Mom, I put Wolverine in your bed because he is your favorite. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weston: sometimes I daydream that there is an elevator in my closet that goes down to the earth's core. I have a secret lab there for making inventions no one else has thought of. 
The 2 year old got down from the table, tossed his plate in the sink, and announced "all done"! 

Just when you thought you were in charge of this household. :/